Wimala Home for Elders

You can make your Donations

Your generosity can help us give a better life for our elderly residents.

You can make your Donations

Your generosity can help us give a better life for our elderly residents.

You can make your Donations

Your generosity can help us give a better life for our elderly residents.

Wimala Home for Elders

Your generosity can help us give a better life for our elderly residents.
We really appreciate financial or any other support you can provide to our organization to strengthen our efforts towards serving our cause. We would like to invite you to support us as you can and be a part of this noble cause. Please find how you can support our home below.
Donations for a Meal
Provide a meal for our elders. We understand that not everyone has the time to visit our place and join our residents for a meal. Which is why we accept donations for daily meals so you can buy our elders a meal and support our home.
Donations for Current Essentials
Below are the essential items, facilities and requirements we are struggling to fulfil at the moment to ensure a comfortable stay for our residents.
Donations for maintenance and transportation
So much goes into managing an elders home, specially when you are maintaining the best possible standards to provide them with the best facilities.
Whether you provide a meal, donate money or other essential item your contribution can really make a difference
You can make your donations to our following bank account number

Bank Name: Bank of Ceylon
Branch: Kalutara
A/C Name : Payagala Samajasewa Sangamaya ( Wimala Elders Homes)
A/C Number : 2024387